There are many who are offended, including me, by images of Christ portrayed with guns in hand circulating on the Internet. I don't consider myself to be a Christian, per se, but I simply cannot wrap my head around why anyone would try to make a point by using images of an armed Christ to make that point....especially those trying to promote God, Guns, Guts, Glory!
Some would have us believe that portraying Christ in any way outside of perceived Christian standards is a problem. After all, Christ was a lover of peace, of humanity, of inclusiveness, right??
But I digress...awfully early in this post for me to do that, but I did it anyway. Back to "Glory".....
Folks don't seem to have as much of a problem with images like this one, now do they?
Think about that. Take all the time you need.
Now, take a look at this one:
Yep! That's it! God....Guns....Guts....and Glory! That's what made America Great! Exclamation point at the end.....for more emphasis! Yep. That's what did it...what made our country great.....God, Guns, Guts, and Glory! Too repetitive?
Weaponry has changed over the centuries. It seems we've simply replaced swords with guns. Deadlier? Yep. More efficient (kill more people)? Also yep!
Look at the image on the sticker. The text is right there. It's embedded in the image....."God, Guns, Guts, & Glory". The Bible is front and center with angel wings on either side of the open Bible. The only thing missing would be an actual gun resting on the open face of the Bible! Those are out there, too. This image just didn't go that far.
That's troubling. At least it is to me. To base our country's greatness on God, guns, and guts with glory as the ultimate reward.....well, that's kind of a headscratcher if ever there was one as far as I'm concerned. God, guns, and guts. According to some folks, the three go together like bears and honey, like peas in a pod, like wine and chocolate, like....fill in with your own comparisons. To me, they go together like oil spills and the environment.
Is this really what 'Glory' translates into? To me, there's simply no glory to be had.
Am I belaboring a point here? Sorry.....rhetorical question.
I guess I'd like to think our country's greatness is based in something much deeper, much more human, much more tolerant, much more....well, much more like the actual teachings of Christ. So, I struggled with the concept of how to even talk about 'God, Guns, Guts, and Glory'.
Then I happened upon this blog post:
Granted, it was written back in 2012. But it was also written by an ordained United Methodist pastor.
Indeed, part of why Jesus was executed was because many of the Jews in Israel at that time didn’t see him fitting their expectations for a kick-ass, Rambo-like knight in shining armor who would kick Roman butt and restore the Kingdom of Israel (though he was close enough as far as Rome was concerned).The message is very powerful. This pastor says it so much better than I ever could. That's kind of why I'm sharing the link to his blog post and posting it here sort of as a proxy guest post, if you will.
The bottom line, from a 'Glory' perspective, the "God, Guns, and Guts" mantra is something I, personally, cannot, and will not, accept as my view. Even though I do not consider myself a Christian, that view simply does not fit with how I, personally, view Christ or how I perceive what Christ stood for.
Whether you or I believe in Christ isn't the issue. Whether you or I believe the Bible is the word of God isn't the issue.
The issue is whether we, collectively, are willing to walk the walk, instead of just talking the talk. Anyone can talk the talk. Walking the walk, as Christ would have us do, is something else, something else entirely.
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