Tuesday, October 11, 2022

God, Guns, Guts, Glory - Part 4 "GLORY"

God, Guns, Guts, Glory: On "GLORY"

This, the last blog post in a four part series, was a struggle for me......how to present this in such a way so as not to offend anyone. Is that even possible?

There are many who are offended, including me, by images of Christ portrayed with guns in hand circulating on the Internet. I don't consider myself to be a Christian, per se, but I simply cannot wrap my head around why anyone would try to make a point by using images of an armed Christ to make that point....especially those trying to promote God, Guns, Guts, Glory!

One of the more offensive images I saw was this one I found on Pinterest:

Some of those images have included some pretty in your face text that Christ did not, and arguably would not have, said. That's a problem, but not, perhaps, in how some of us actually perceive it to be a problem.

Some would have us believe that portraying Christ in any way outside of perceived Christian standards is a problem. After all, Christ was a lover of peace, of humanity, of inclusiveness, right??

The New Testament is full of those kinds of teaching. But, the types of images of Christ with weaponry of any kind are sometimes met with anger and hostility from self-proclaimed devout advocates of the teaching of Christ even though those same people advocate God, guns, guts, and glory. Conundrum, perhaps?

But I digress...awfully early in this post for me to do that, but I did it anyway. Back to "Glory".....

Folks don't seem to have as much of a problem with images like this one, now do they?
That image was taken from Pinterest ("God of Angel Armies") that has a ton of images depicting angels in armor and armed with swords. Glorious, right? Sorry, rhetorical.....

God's army of angels. Angels doing God's work, right? Glorious. Angelic. Fearsome. Intimidating. Violent. Yeah, I really like that one above of St. Michael the Archangel standing with his foot on the back of his vanquished foe and totally ready to strike, don't you?

Think about that. Take all the time you need.

Now, take a look at this one:

Just think, for only $2.50, you could have your very own God, Guns, Guts, Glory sticker to put in the back window of your vehicle.....or not. For me personally, that's a definite NOT!

God, Guns, Guts, and Glory!
That's what made America Great!

Yep! That's it! God....Guns....Guts....and Glory! That's what made America Great! Exclamation point at the end.....for more emphasis! Yep. That's what did it...what made our country great.....God, Guns, Guts, and Glory! Too repetitive? 

Weaponry has changed over the centuries. It seems we've simply replaced swords with guns. Deadlier? Yep. More efficient (kill more people)? Also yep!

So, is it really that much of a stretch for some folks to replace swords in Christian imagery with guns? Even images of Christ....with guns?

Look at the image on the sticker. The text is right there. It's embedded in the image....."God, Guns, Guts, & Glory". The Bible is front and center with angel wings on either side of the open Bible. The only thing missing would be an actual gun resting on the open face of the Bible! Those are out there, too. This image just didn't go that far.

Somehow, in someone's delusional mind, only God, guns, and guts are what made America great....all glory to God, guns, and guts. Nothing else, just God, guns, and guts. Not people. No, siree! God, guns, and guts...that's what did it, and glory awaits!

That's troubling. At least it is to me. To base our country's greatness on God, guns, and guts with glory as the ultimate reward.....well, that's kind of a headscratcher if ever there was one as far as I'm concerned. God, guns, and guts. According to some folks, the three go together like bears and honey, like peas in a pod, like wine and chocolate, like....fill in with your own comparisons. To me, they go together like oil spills and the environment.

Is this really what 'Glory' translates into? To me, there's simply no glory to be had. 

Is this really how we want to view the teachings of Christ? God, guns, guts, glory? Seriously??

Am I belaboring a point here? Sorry.....rhetorical question.

I guess I'd like to think our country's greatness is based in something much deeper, much more human, much more tolerant, much more....well, much more like the actual teachings of Christ. So, I struggled with the concept of how to even talk about 'God, Guns, Guts, and Glory'.

Then I happened upon this blog post:

A Kinder, Gentler, More Grown-up Easter

Granted, it was written back in 2012. But it was also written by an ordained United Methodist pastor.
Indeed, part of why Jesus was executed was because many of the Jews in Israel at that time didn’t see him fitting their expectations for a kick-ass, Rambo-like knight in shining armor who would kick Roman butt and restore the Kingdom of Israel (though he was close enough as far as Rome was concerned).
The message is very powerful. This pastor says it so much better than I ever could. That's kind of why I'm sharing the link to his blog post and posting it here sort of as a proxy guest post, if you will.

The bottom line, from a 'Glory' perspective, the "God, Guns, and Guts" mantra is something I, personally, cannot, and will not, accept as my view. Even though I do not consider myself a Christian, that view simply does not fit with how I, personally, view Christ or how I perceive what Christ stood for.

Whether you or I believe in Christ isn't the issue. Whether you or I believe the Bible is the word of God isn't the issue.

The issue is whether we, collectively, are willing to walk the walk, instead of just talking the talk. Anyone can talk the talk. Walking the walk, as Christ would have us do, is something else, something else entirely.

My two cents....

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Monday, October 10, 2022

God, Guns, Guts, Glory - Part 3 "GUTS"

God, Guns, Guts, Glory: On 'GUTS'!

'Guts'! The word has different meanings for different people. That is simply a statement of fact.

The thing is, most of the time in written definitions I've seen, the word 'Guts' is defined as something physical, something within each and every one of us as a part of our anatomy, not something defined, as many of us perceive it to be, as being related to the slang usage most often attributed to the word in a verbal sense.

In that context, 'Guts' can mean courage, fortitude, determination, and a whole slew of other such descriptors each of them with their own set of descriptors, all of which inevitably circle around and come right back to the word 'Guts', albeit in a euphemistic sense, all related to each other, all synonyms of each other.

Also, sometimes it might be safe to say the use of the word 'Guts' is viewed by some to be more of a 'male' thing than it is a 'female' thing.

How so, you ask?

Well, when was the last time you saw a female hefting a .50 caliber rifle? Oh, wait.....

What about when females arm up, or they arm up their own family members regardless of their age?

Truth be told, I don't believe for one second the likes of Margorie Taylor-Greene and Lauren Boebert are the 'norm' in this country. Not many folks own a .50 caliber rifle like the one shown in the Marjorie Taylor-Greene photo, but she did, after all, give that one away. Lauren Boebert has been notorious for arming up the wait staff in her now closed restaurant in Rifle, CO that goes by the name Shooters Grill (there are plenty of other photo-ops of Boebert armed up herself not included here). Both have been loud and what I consider to be obnoxious in their rabid support of 2A rights. Does that mean, however, they both have 'guts'? Sorry....rhetorical.

The analogy is appropriate simply because there are, in fact, military style weapons that are available to the general public....weapons like, say for instance, the AR-15 as just one example.

Hallelujah! And praise GAWD! These here women are gonna save the day! They have some a them GUTS' we's talkin' about! OORAH

Well, DAMN:
"As far as I had been told, 'Oorah simply means 'let's kill,'" said Staff Sgt. Hugo Monroy, drill instructor for Platoon 1094, Delta Co., 1st RTBn. "As far as its origin, I really don't know. I always assumed it was simply a Marine tradition that was passed down from Marine to Marine."
What are they using those weapons for, anyway? Hunting? Making sausage? Fighting the Gubmint and its jackbooted thugs? Killing someone?

If it's that last one, then, according to the quote from Staff Sgt. Hugo Monroy above, these women might just be prepping to kill someone. 'Guts'? Maybe....maybe not.

Gotta wonder how they'd do, and feel, actually going up against the U.S. military. I mean, really.......how would they do? For that matter, how would guys like The Nuge, Wayne LaPierre, Ted Cruz, and so many other male 2A defenders do? Serious question.

Would they have the 'Guts' to face that military if that's what they said they would do? Did any of them actually serve in the military. Do they understand what they'd be up against? Sorry....rhetorical once again.

Would they turn tail and run at the first sight of a tank coming at them over yonder ridge?

Please don't blame me if I go with the latter. Seems more legit than the former, at least to me it does. Unless they're actually Vets, unless they've actually seen combat, then all bets are off.

The reality is there are groups out there, groups everywhere, that advocate for guns everywhere. 

But I digress.

Now, let's ponder a bit on how people use the euphemism:

"Now, THAT took guts!"
We've all heard this euphemism being used to describe something someone has done that goes beyond the norm.

I think it might also be safe to say we've probably all used this euphemism ourselves at some point in our lives.

However, how many times have we heard females using that phrase compared to males, especially as it applies to God and guns, specifically?

That's not to say females don't use it. They do.....just arguably not as often as males do.

That's not to say females don't have 'Guts', either.....they do, especially when it comes to protecting their own families and so many other things way too numerous to mention here when going outside the 'Guns' limitations of this essay.

In fact, another euphemism perfectly describes how women have 'Guts', especially when it comes to protecting family and as described rather appropriately by none other than Sarah Palin:

I think you get the picture.

So, I'm asserting, right here and right now, the usage of this euphemism, as applies directly to 'God' and 'Guns', is pretty macho and is not associated with feminism in any viable, tangible sense, per se. Remember, that's merely an assertion. It isn't based on any factual data (witness Sarah Palin and her stance on guns, in general) I've been able to find thus far. It's an assertion. My assertion.....nothing more.

The euphemism is, more often times than not, also accompanied by some kind of expletive. Expletives like:
  • "Good GAWD"!
  • Or "HOLY sheeit"!
  • Or "GAWD DAMN"!
  • Or "good GAWD DAMN"!
  • Or "Jesus H. Christ"!
  • Or even "Jesus Haploid Christ"!
C'mon, admit it! If you haven't actually done it, actually used one of these expletives, you've certainly given thought to doing it. Right? It's been right there....right on the tip of your tongue. C'mon! You know you have!

There are more expletives associated with this euphemism. But, because those expletives listed above have something else in common - they all express expletives that include reference to 'God', although the spelling of same could probably be a little better - those are the ones being focused on here.

C'mon, you know I'm right. 

But I digress.

More often than not, these kinds of expletives precede the 'Guts' part of the exclamation. Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

Male? Female? Maybe that's irrelevant in the overall scheme of things, but I don't think so. Using these kinds of expletives is more often associated with males than with females. It's sometimes even associated, by some, with a redneck persona.

C'mon, you know I'm right.

Although........here lately there's been kind of a spike in females and their guns.

What's that, you ask? What's she holding? Why, I'm assuming it might just be an AR-15.

No? In her other arm? Well, that would be a Bible, my friends. More than likely a King James version of the Christian God Bible fame.

And just so there's no misunderstanding here, that's an American flag behind her.

The Bible?......'God'!

The AR-15?.....'Guns'!

The flag? Could it be? Might it be......Patriotism? American exceptionalism?

All wrapped up in each other in one neat little package, right?

The only thing missing in this photo is a cross. Yeah, you read that right. A cross - the universal sign of Jesus' Crucifixion. Kinda would have made it more complete, don't you think?

But, again, I digress.

Females: 'God, Guns, Guts'.......right alongside other females of a different religious persuasion with their very own take on 'God, Guns, Guts':

Not the same, you say? Why not?

Oh, that's right......the first one is Christian which actually means 'God, Guns, Guts', right? After all, it took a whole lotta 'Guts' for her to express her beliefs in both 'God' and 'Guns' and to plaster this image all over the Internet, didn't it? But, hey, it's OK because she's American, right? Standing up for freedom (aka patriotism) and Christianity, right?

And the second one.....what can one say? Depravity based in terrorism, that's what!

Quran?.....Allah (Quran in arm) or, as some Christians would have us believe, NOT 'GOD', NOT 'BIBLE'.

AK-47 (assuming that's what it might be)?.....TERRORIST GUN probably got it from those Russkies who were Commies who were, gasp, atheists before the end of the Cold War. She's gotta be a SUICIDE BOMBER or something like it, right (in reality, she allegedly was a suicide bomber, blew herself to smithereens and took others with her, too)? 

Flag?..... Not sure, but it appears to have Arabic writing on it. That means, you guessed it......TERRORIST!

By now, you must be wondering where I'm going with all of this (sometimes I kind of wonder, too). Well, please be patient, because this is going on a lot longer than I thought it would.

One of the Ten Commandments, the third one to be precise, says:
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Gotcha! You thought I was going to quote that Thou Shalt Not Kill Commandment, didn't you? Well, that one's kind of relevant to this overall discussion too, but it's being reserved for another essay in another series down the road apiece.

Right now, we're going to focus on the Lord's name......his/her name being taken in vain, and how that applies in this essay.

We ALL do it. We ALL take the name of the LORD, our God in vain. It doesn't even have to be in a moment of awe at an incident that took 'Guts' to accomplish.

The name of the LORD, our God, can be, and often times is, taken in vain in a moment of anger, of frustration, or any number of other triggers (pun intended) that set each and every one of us off.

We all do it. We all say it. We are all guilty of breaking this Third Commandment. We do it over and over and over again. 

It's when we associate using that expletive with 'Guns', hence the trigger pun in a previous paragraph, that lines tend to get blurred really fast. And therein lies the direction in which I'm trying to take this essay.

Reality is that those who advocate a God given right to keep and bear arms, and who also take the name of the Lord, their 'God' in vain, really have no credibility to cite 'God' as giving them any rights whatsoever if the Ten Commandments, the Third one specifically, are to be taken seriously and followed to the letter.....something way too many fundamentalist Christians and gun humpers, themselves, advocate for.

Ooooh, now I'm getting a bit nasty! And it feels soooo good!
Looking in the mirror......what do we see?
Finally! Make your point! Oh, oh, talking to myself again.

Not really a mirror, but kind of the same thing - trying to get us to focus our attention on ourselves as perhaps being part of, or all of, the problem swirling around the issue of gun violence (aka: 'God, Guns, Guts, Glory') in this country and, yes, abroad.

The guy in the mirror above is someone almost universally known in the U.S. as the face and voice of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, Vice President of that organization.

He's quite a guy. Sometimes whiny, sometimes forceful in his delivery, always calculating.

Following the massacre at Columbine High School April 20, 1999, he had this to say:

Following the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School December 14, 2012, he had this to say:
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."
More guns. More guns everywhere. 

The NRA then came out with a National School Shield Program calling for armed staff in every school in the country.

It's kind of been a shitstorm ever since.

They want to eliminate gun free zones. They want to arm teachers and other school staff. They want armed guards in schools (School Resource Officer Programs were already in place way before this). They want open and concealed carry for everyone everywhere, regardless of eligibility, regardless of background, regardless of......well, of everything.

The kicker? They base these 'wants' on their perception that owning guns, lots of guns, any amount of guns, any type of guns, is a "God given right", and that right is entrenched in the not to be messed with in any way, shape, or form 2nd Amendment of our sacred Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution. Never mind the rest of the Amendments to the Bill of Rights or any Amendments thereafter. That 2nd Amendment.....that thing is sacrosanct, cannot be altered, is cast in stone sort of like those Ten Commandments we keep hearing so much about, and no matter what the Supreme Court says in rulings that sanction an individual's right to keep and bear arms.....regardless of specified limitations......GAWD DAMMIT, my right shall not be infringed!

Asshole. Oops! Did I just call Wayne LaPierre an Asshole? Why, yes....yes I did. And it felt soooooo good!

'God, Guns', and now 'Guts'. Good guys with guns are the only way to stop bad guys with guns. Yep, takes 'Guts' to be a good guy with a gun. Problem is, here lately good guys with guns are also becoming bad guys with guns more and more frequently. And those bad guys with guns are also basing their right to keep and bear arms on that "God given right" thingy as cast in stone by the NRA and other gun lobby groups just as radical, if not more so than the NRA. 

Yep, God gives everyone the right to keep and bear arms. God also gives those same folks the right to share their beliefs with others, to demonstrate their 'Guts' based on their 'God' given right to keep and bear arms.

Domestic tranquility according to Mr. LaPierre and his NRA apparently requires guns, lots of guns, guns that cannot be kept out of the hands of domestic violence perps. No sirree. That would be a violation of their 'God' given right to keep and bear arms, don'tcha know!

Methinks Mr. LaPierre needs to look into his mirror, or scope, or whatever. Get a moral or an ethical backbone. 

So does the NRA, in general.

Is that even possible? Forgive me.....a rhetorical question.

A 1980's metal band known as Queensryche released an album in 1988 called Operation Mindcrime. One of the more seminal albums/rock operas I've ever listened to. It tells a story, a story relevant to the times in which it was first released, and, arguably just as relevant today.

There is one song, in particular, on this album that made a huge impression on me the very first time I heard it. It's called Eyes of a Stranger.

Take a listen. Please, do take a listen. I've shared it here for you. Well, for me, too. Because, dammit, I like the song. The drummer's pretty damn good, too.

Granted, the main character of this song, of this story, of this entire album/opera, is a drug addict. He's also an assassin looking to find himself, similar to what so many others of us are also trying to do......every single day of our lives. So, when he gets up, he looks in the mirror to try to find himself.

What does he see? The eyes of a stranger.....that's what he sees.

The key element of the lyrics comes in a very small package. Just a few lines of this song ARE, in fact, the package as far as I'm concerned:
And I raise my head and stare
Into the eyes of a stranger
I've always known that the mirror never lies
People always turn away
From the eyes of a stranger
Afraid to know what
Lies behind the stare
The "mirror never lies". The stranger in the mirror has secrets, and people who don't know that stranger (each and every one of us, yes us) turn away because they/we don't know what lies behind the stare.

And therein lies the connection of this blog post on 'Guts' to this series of blog posts on 'God, Guns, Guts, Glory'.

The mirror never, ever.....not once.....lies. Unless we choose to ignore what it is trying to tell us, to deny it to ourselves, and to others who can, and do, sometimes see right through our own wall, our own defenses, our own fallacies, bigotries, prejudices, biases, and, yes, even our own hypocrisies. Recognized or unrecognized. Accepted or not accepted.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall......

We need to look in the mirror.....to delve into ourselves......to self-evaluate......to reflect on who we are, on what we espouse, on our core beliefs.

What do we want? How do we want to achieve it?

Do we want more guns everywhere? Will that really solve our problems? No, really.....will it? After all....
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."
Or will more guns make our problems worse?

Does God promote the use of guns? Is he/she fer em' or agin' em? Guess that's an individual decision to make. I just haven't seen reference made to guns in any Bible so far. Seems like kind of a conundrum then, doesn't it?

Can't quite seem to wrap my head around how God might, much less would, promote the use of guns for anything but sporting, target shooting, and self-defense.

Once again, I digress. Back to looking in a mirror.

Looking in a mirror can serve dual purposes. In fact, looking in a mirror to try to find self-introspection, or to engage in self-evaluation, is more metaphorical in nature than anything else.

A mirror isn't physically necessary to do this. A mirror is really nothing more than a symbolic illustration of a process people must go through to engage in these types of activities. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Keeping in mind this symbolism, it might be safe to say there are many who look in their symbolic mirrors frequently. Problem is, at least from what I've been seeing here lately, that activity is yielding some troubling results.

When it comes to 'God' and 'Guns', 'Guts' is going to arguably be pretty damned important. The reason? Because those who don't grasp both the negatives and the positives surrounding the issue of 'God' and 'Guns' will likely end up being very apathetic about it, and apathy breeds contempt. Contempt breeds intolerance. Intolerance breeds hatred. Hatred breeds.....

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall........

Do you ever look at the person staring back at you from inside that mirror, recognizing that that person is you, accepting that that person might have questions, serious questions that demand answers about who you are, what your core beliefs are, whether those core beliefs are morally and ethically right, especially with whichever God you might believe in.....or not? Think about it. 

Introspection and self-evaluation are an art form. Truly, they are. If you can actually be objective about yourself, you're way ahead of the curve.

On the other hand, denial is not.....an art form, that is. Denial of factual data, spreading false data to further an agenda, trying to force others to accept your own dogma, your own rigidity is fraught with danger.

Sometimes, that person staring back at you might just be subliminally telling you to look deeper.....deeper within yourself to find those answers you seek.....to perhaps ask yourself who it is, exactly, you are looking at.

More importantly, if you do look in the mirror for things other than cosmetic, is it possible, perhaps, that based on your belief system, your mirror might lie to you? Or that you question what that person staring out at you from inside the mirror is trying to tell you? Is it true? False? Somewhere in between? 

Or, might it be possible that the person staring out at you from inside that mirror is trying to tell you you've been lying to yourself? Think about it.

What do you see in the cartoon above? Is the mirror lying? Is there some kind of message the mirror is trying to send this American, this Uncle Sam of ours? Could this Uncle Sam of ours actually be us.......you and me?

I could be wrong, but I don't believe I am, in stating that many of those who espouse 'God' and 'Guns', per se, also espouse having the 'Guts' to use them...for whatever purpose. Otherwise, why would we even see memes like this one?

Does this meme offend you? Does it flaunt your emotions, your sensibilities about what the Statue of Liberty is supposed to represent? Should it? I mean, after all, freedom isn't free, is it?

The question here is, what does the Statue of Liberty actually represent to each of us? To me, this beacon of liberty is supposed to strike a welcoming pose, not one of you better watch out because we are armed and ready.....for whatever.

I guess, when one comes right down to it, if one is so inclined (especially toward current nationalistic tendencies and the associated idiosyncrasies), an armed Ms. Liberty could also mean fighting for one's liberty.

Somehow, though, that simply doesn't ring true for me as to what the Statue of Liberty is supposed to be. It doesn't resonate with the original intent I believe the makers of this remarkable landmark had in mind when they gifted it to the U.S. originally either.

More like this image, perhaps?

A beacon of hope, of promise, of freedom of a different kind?

Do both these images require 'Guts' in order to be valid? By definition, I'd have to say yes, yes they do. It's then up to each of us to decide for ourselves which kind of 'Guts' we'd like to have and to use.

Which one do you identify with the most?

Is it possible that trying to conflate 'God' with 'Guns' with 'Guts' might be a conundrum that flies in the face of everything we hold dear, everything that represents life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and, yes, that oh so elusive peace and well-being of the whole of humanity?

It's been said that war is not healthy for children and other living things. Well, DUH! Truth is, peace cannot be achieved, much less maintained for any length of time, at the end of a gun, period!

It's also been said many wars have been waged in the name of God. Perhaps we should start trying to wage peace in the name of God, instead.

Something like that would require an entirely new paradigm shift in thinking. Waging peace instead of waging war.....think about it.

That......that right there would take more 'Guts' than anything else....the right kind of 'Guts'.

My two cents.....

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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Passive Activism in School Safety --- NOT a Good Look

Passive Activism in School Safety --- NOT a Good Look!

You can lead a horse to water, but.......

The blame game is fast, furious, and intense after each and every school shooting, both large and small. Social media is always awash in memes and stories following school shootings, both large and small. Most times, school shootings, both large and small, are just one more in a long list of similar incidents that will result in not much, if anything, being done to curb this currently rising trend.

Lots of folks will opine that things ARE, in fact, being done. That is, in fact, true. Some things ARE being done. Guidance, laws (active shooter drills sound familiar?), school safety initiatives, gun violence prevention initiatives/movements, etc. All are actively involved in specific areas to promote school safety. But, if that's true, then why do school shootings, both large and small, continue to occur and appear to be on the increase? Sorry. Rhetorical.....

Some folks call for metal detectors and armed guards at the entrances to every single school everywhere. That's one that kind of gets my knickers in a knot. While this so-called solution might solve some problems, it simply is NOT a panacea. It's passive in nature, and allows those who push for it to be passive in their activism in school safety. But it IS something people can see. So, they take comfort in someone somewhere having done something to enhance school safety. Breathe a sigh of relief, right? Sorry. Once again, rhetorical.....

Some call for the elimination of gun free zones. How many times have we heard that one before? Gun free zones aren't the boogeymen some would make them out to be. Again, eliminating them is very much passive activism that allows people to continue down that road of complacency and of doing nothing, really, to realistically address this problem. But they do get to sit back and take a measure of satisfaction that something was done somewhere by someone to make our schools safer. Do I need to point out, once again, that this is rhetorical?

Some want more laws restricting guns, in general. Perhaps that would be part of the answer, but, once again, it is nothing more than passive activism. It doesn't require anyone to get, and/or remain, actively involved in school safety. Let those armed teachers and citizens at large roam those halls of schools just waiting for an active shooter to storm their school!! Please note the sarcasm here.

Some want the government to do something, anything, to help curb the epidemic of gun violence in this country. Others want the government to just stay out of the issue altogether. Some of those who push for metal detectors and armed guards at every school entrance want the government to act immediately to make this happen, and, in the next breath, condemn the government in the arena of viable, common sense legislation intended to help curb the gun violence epidemic....an epidemic that I believe has a direct, and negative, bearing on the issue of school shootings, both large and small.

Passive activism is cheap. It requires little, if anything, from those doing the advocating. What those folks are advocating, however, like hardening schools, is often times very expensive to the tune of over $3,000,000,000 nationwide every single year. Those are statements of fact.

Truth is, we can sit at our computers all day long every single day bitching and complaining about how something needs to be done. But the truth hurts if we do nothing ourselves to help get it done! And that's how my essay here started out: You can lead a horse to water. And I'll finish it here: But you can't make them drink.

So many contradictions. So many conundrums. So many simplistic, unrealistic methodologies that, by themselves, represent a band-aid approach to the issue of school safety. So much passive activism.

What's the 'solution'? 

As the Dalai Lama states in so many words: Stop looking at others as being the problem, or even to others for solutions. Look within. Realize and accept that in order to get something done, everyone must participate in the process. By doing so, we will ultimately learn that peace and joy this man of peace and wisdom is promoting is attainable in the school safety arena.

I'm using this meme, this passage, as an example that applies to the school safety arena to illustrate a point: Talk is cheap, especially when that talk consists of the same old tired talking points we see trotted out on both sides of the issue following virtually every single school shooting, both large and small.

There are a TON of school safety resources available to those looking to get involved in the school safety arena. Most of them are free of charge. My blog has a fairly comprehensive, but by no means complete, list of  School Safety Resources to help get people started. REMS TA Center, FEMA, DHS, U.S. Department of Education, and many other government agencies at Federal and state levels have school safety resources available. I've always said, "Where there's a will, there's a way". Thus far, what I've been seeing is a 'way' lacking the 'will'. And that's been going on since well before the Columbine massacre, a benchmark I allege that many still use as their own starting point for their passive activism.

School safety resources are only as good as the folks who choose to use them to help make our schools the safest educational learning environment they can possibly be. But each of us must take on personal responsibility to help school safety efforts spring from each and every one of us.....a grass roots movement made up of parents, age-appropriate students, schools, and communities. We must all stop looking to others to do for us what we should be doing ourselves in the school safety arena.

The responsibility for safe schools doesn't rest solely with the government. It doesn't rest solely with the schools. It rests squarely on our shoulders. We can, and we must, get involved. We can, and we must, STAY involved. That's the only way ALL the myriad of issues leading up to the kinds of school shootings, both large and small, we keep seeing over and over and over again will ultimately be addressed.

Please consider becoming familiar with how you.....yes, YOU.....can make a difference in the school safety arena because: 

Enough for now. This missive/rant could go on forever.

My Two Cents....

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