Wednesday, May 3, 2023

You Really Need to Educate Yourself (About AR-15s/Ammo). Seriously? SERIOUSLY?


You Really Need to Educate Yourself (About AR-15s/Ammo)

That's what he was told: "You really need to educate yourself". 

That comment was directed at Brett Cross. Who is Brett Cross? Well, Brett's son, Uziyah (Uzi), was one of the children murdered at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.  

According to ChadHud39666678 (Twitter handle), Brett apparently needs to educate himself on the nuances of AR-15 style weaponry. 

It doesn't seem to matter to Chad what Brett Cross believes regarding his son's death because, according to Chad, Brett apparently doesn't know anything about what killed his son, Uzi, in the Robb Elementary School massacre. It only matters that Brett doesn't understand, according to Chad, that AR-15s can chamber a number of different caliber bullets. Therefore, according to Chad, Brett can't be involved in a discussion or debate about the weapon of choice for so many mass shootings here of late. Why? Because, according to Chad, Brett isn't educated enough about the AR-15 to be able to talk knowledgeably about it. 

The illogical logic in Chad's argument is astonishing!

Never mind the fact Brett's son was actually killed by someone using an AR-15 with a high velocity round chambered. 

Never mind the fact Brett's son was horribly mutilated by the high velocity round that was used in an AR-15 in that massacre. 

No sir. 

None of that matters. 

All that matters to Chad is the fact different caliber rounds can be chambered in an AR-15. 

Ergo, Chad implies it's somehow wrong to put anything out there contradicting his claim. 

Ergo, Chad implies Brett isn't supposed to conclude anything bad about AR-15s even though one was used at Robb Elementary to kill his son, Uzi, in a most horrible way along with 18 other children and two teachers. 



No sirree. Can't blame the AR-15 because, according to Chad, the AR-15 isn't as lethal as Brett, and so many others who support gun safety reform, would have us believe! 

But I digress.

Awhile back, I wrote a blog post titled My Thoughts on 'Civilian' Weaponry. In it, I detailed some, but not all, of the injuries suffered by my daughter when she was shot and paralyzed in the Columbine High School massacre back on April 20, 1999. I was struck by the similarities of her injuries to some of the injuries suffered by some of those killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school massacre in Parkland, Florida February 14, 2018. The difference? My daughter did...not...die! 

I even provided a link to a YouTube video from the Smithsonian Institution (embedded in the blog post for anyone choosing to watch it) in which the military version of the AR-15 was used to fire rounds into ballistics gel. The video clearly shows the effects of a high velocity round on a substance (ballistics gel) similar to human flesh. And those effects on ballistic gel were sobering, to say the least.

My intent with that blog post was to show that my daughter likely would not have survived had she been shot by an AR-15 using high velocity rounds. Her wounds were actually pretty similar to those suffered by Jamie Guttenberg, one of the victim fatalities in the MSD massacre. But my daughter survived. Barely. But she didn't die. The weapon used to shoot her was a Hi-Point 995 semi-automatic carbine rifle. 


Why didn't she die? She didn't die because the two rounds that entered her body were not high velocity rounds like those fired from AR-15s. The rounds that caused so much internal damage to my daughter's body didn't tumble. They didn't cavitate. They didn't kill her, although they came very very close to doing so.


Two bullets. One exited her body without leaving a gaping exit wound hole. But it did non-fatally damage multiple internal organs. The other one was surgically removed a long time after she was shot. That was the one that damaged her spinal cord and left her paraplegic. 

Since I wrote that blog post, another YouTube video has been published in which a pro-gun advocate gleefully uses an AR-15 to demonstrate the damages done by an AR-15 using high velocity rounds fired into what I believe he said is a pork shoulder. For those who choose to watch it, the video is titled AR-15 vs MEAT & BONE. For those who do not wish to watch the video, suffice to say that the damage done to multiple pork shoulders by high velocity rounds fired from an AR-15 was astonishing, much to the glee of the pro-gun advocate who filmed it.

Folks, I myself was told by someone awhile back that an AR-15 is nothing more than a glorified .22 caliber rifle. At my request, a friend of mine, Gary Denton, responded with this (provided with Gary's permission):

Gary has 20 plus years in law enforcement under his belt. His experience with AR-15s is irrefutable. His knowledge of them is irrefutable. I'll take his input about AR-15s over Chad's any and every day of the week.

The Washington Post article Gary mentions, "The Blast Effect", isn't available without a subscription that I've been able to find. However, the Washington Post did put a Twitter Tweet thread out there for folks to view if they want to get a summary of the story. Here's the link for those who would like to see it: The Blast Effect by The Washington Post. I'll state unequivocally that the words of medical professionals describing the blast effects of high velocity rounds fired from AR-15 style weaponry are also to be trusted far over and above anything someone like Chad has to say.

For anyone still wondering about the lethality of AR-15 style weaponry, here are some facts to consider:
  • An AR-15 was used by the shooter at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX to murder 19 children and 2 teachers.
  • A high velocity round from that AR-15 killed Uzi, Brett's son. It left a gaping void where Uzi's stomach should have been.
  • That high velocity round did irreparable unsurvivable damage to Uzi.
  • High velocity rounds from that AR-15 did irreparable unsurvivable damage to 20 other human beings at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX.
  • Reports are that some children had to be identified by the clothing they wore to school that day.
  • Medical professionals tasked with conducting autopsies on victims from several mass shootings in which AR-15s were used have said "The Blast Effect" from high velocity rounds fired from AR-15s was not survivable because those rounds literally tore flesh and bone apart.

The above listed facts are irrefutable. 

So, when push comes to shove, it simply doesn't matter what Chad, and his idiotic AR-15 loving ilk, say and imply about the lack of power and the lack of lethality of an AR-15 firing high velocity rounds. We know otherwise.

In fact, I posit their 'opinions' in all of this matter not one whit.....that it's THEY who need to educate themselves about the blast effects high velocity rounds fired from AR-15 style weaponry have on human flesh and bone! And then THEY need to accept that 'stopping power', as Gary Denton put it, is just one of many reasons so many mass shooters choose AR-15 style weaponry to wreak their havoc.

Would they be swayed to change their opinions? I seriously doubt it given the fact nothing has changed their opinions in the intervening years between the Columbine massacre and every mass shooting since in which an AR-15 style weapon has been used. But unless we start calling them out on their attempts to distract away from AR-15 style weaponry lethality with their idiocy, nothing will change as far as gun safety reform is concerned.

My two cents.

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