Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Gun Control of a 'Different' Kind....

I think we're all pretty familiar with this phrase by now. In fact, it's kind of been burned into our collective lexicon over a period of time, especially since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School back in 2012 in spite of the fact it's been a National Rifle Association talking point way before that massacre. It just had not gotten the level of attention or use then as compared to now.

For every single action there is an equal and opposite reaction - a simple, but reality based law of physics. I believe the principle behind the law of physics also has application in other situations, as well......laws of 'logic' (or lack thereof) as just one example. 

Logic is powerful. It's based in reasoning, in thought, in emotion. It often times involves descriptors such as 'rational' and 'irrational', 'sane' and 'insane', 'ridiculous' and 'sensible' as just a few examples. Most of these descriptors are used by folks depending upon which side of a particular fence they prefer to come down on.

In the case of the guns don't kill phrase mentioned earlier, the equal and opposite reaction that can be applied is this:

But wait! There's a whole bunch of other NRA logic/talking points we've kind of had shoved down our throats. Here's another one:

I know the NRA doesn't want to hear this, but applying the law of logic here results in:

So, bottom line is for every NRA logic/talking point, there is an equal and opposite logic/talking point that can be put out there.

In blog posts past, I've stated there is no such thing, really, as gun 'control', that 'control' in and of itself, is an illusion. I'm beginning to rethink that statement.

Not that it's wrong, necessarily, but to perhaps bring a little more clarity to what it means.

Would it be fair to state that when the issue of gun control comes up in a discussion or debate, the perception of most on the word 'control' as it applies in the conversation is for restrictions on ownership and use of guns? Don't know? OK, then I'll say it:
When it comes to use of the term gun control, I believe it applies directly to those who believe it restricts both gun ownership and use, and that there is no other way to define it.
If that's the case, and looking at the 'equal and opposite' reaction, then I also believe those who favor a more flexible approach to the issue of gun violence in our nation and how we should address that issue, need to go in a new direction themselves, to try to move people into a sort of paradigm shift in how we view gun control, in general.

Bearing this in mind (a little 2nd Amendment reference there - did you catch it? 'Bearing'? Pretty good, huh?), in this blog post, I'm going to put forward a little different perspective on this issue, something I call 'Gun Control of a Different Kind'.

For a very long time now, the pro-gun advocacy side of this issue, I'll call them the 'guns everywhere' folks, has couched their vested public persona position in 'no new gun laws' for any number of what I consider to be flawed reasons. For example:

  • 'Criminals don't obey laws', 
  • 'You're punishing law abiding citizens',
  • 'If you pass gun control laws, the only people with guns will be criminals',
  • And so on ad nauseum.

The battle royale, the shit storm so to speak, that's been going on between 'guns everywhere' folks and those we call 'anti-gun violence' advocates (also going to be called 'folks' from here on in) ever since has been furious, controversial, adversarial, and downright nasty.

'Guns everywhere' folks haven't budged at all, not one little bit, in asserting the same talking points they've put forward since, well....since forever. Neither have anti-gun violence folks for all intents and purposes. And therein lies the problem.

What to do? Oh, my, what CAN we do? Well, we can look at the issue from equal, but opposite sides of the 'labels being used' for starters.

Labels are powerful. With just a few words, labels can pretty much define a person or a movement. Otherwise, why do businesses and corporations, churches and ministries, groups and organizations all develop and use slogans? The only reason I can come up with is to help define themselves in such a way as to make them distinct in their field of endeavor, to separate themselves from others in that regard.

Since this whole shit storm gained momentum arguably following the massacre at Columbine High School, the 'guns everywhere' folks have quietly, and surreptitiously evolved and have slowly taken a different course while maintaining their public persona of no new laws. 

Oh, yes, yes they have. 

While appearing outwardly to remain steadfast in their 'no new gun laws' stance, they've been actively working to roll back existing gun laws, toward getting their own version of 'gun control' passed and enacted by state governments across the country.....a 'guns everywhere' type of gun control.

What kinds of laws, you ask? 

Well, laws that quite literally force the 'guns everywhere' folks' views of what I'm going to label as 'gun utopia' on everyone else: i.e., codify into law the right to open and concealed carry by anyone and everyone anywhere and everywhere, including schools, churches, bars, public buildings, businesses, etc., etc. This is what I will now call it for what it is:

And it's seriously running amok!

There's been some opposition, but not enough.....not by any stretch of the imagination.

Those who've been steadfastly resolute in trying to look at logical, sane, and rational methodologies to help address the issue of gun violence in this country have pretty much been rebuffed at almost every turn by this group of 'guns everywhere' fanatics! Oops, I said they were 'folks' earlier. Now I'm going to call them exactly what they are.....'fanatics'. So, not really an 'oops' after all.

I've seen other descriptors for these kinds of folks, too. Things like 'gun humpers', 'ammosexuals', 'gundamentalists', and much worse. And most of them take very serious umbrage with anyone labeling them as such.

The thing is, the majority of gun owners who are responsible and who also would like to see something get done to help curb the public health epidemic of gun violence we are suffering from do not, I repeat do NOT, fall into this group of fanatics.

So, why is it these fanatics have such a loud voice and wield so much power? 

I believe it's because they make the most noise, grab the most attention, and then they attempt to intimidate their opposition into submission, be it in public forums or in public demonstrations (Open Carry Texas as just one prime example).

There is a LOT of legislation wending its way through multiple state legislatures as we speak that would allow concealed and/or open carry in places not forced to do so in the past. Some of it has already been passed. Some of it is still being considered.

As the President of the University of Nevada at Reno said awhile back in response to this type of legislation being pushed in his state to force the university to comply with 'gun control of a different kind':
"They aren't doing this for (emphasis mine) us. They're doing it to (emphasis mine) us".
In other words, legislative efforts to try to provide for safer schools (in this specific instance), while well intentioned, are quite simply emotionally based and are an over-reaction. Nothing more.

Oh, by the way, it's also a potential cash cow for gun manufacturers, too. Think about it. 'Guns everywhere' means more guns. More guns everywhere.

What they literally are doing is taking a low probability type of event regarding mass shootings and trying to use the high consequences that inevitably follow to their advantage. In other words, they prey on people's fear and paranoia. And there are many who buy into that fear and paranoia. Oh, yes, there are many. Even some who've been victims of gun violence, themselves.

Where is the logic? Where is the sanity? Where is the reasoning?

Truth is, it is absent. It is based solely on two of the most fundamental, basal emotional characteristics of humankind - fear and paranoia.

How to counter this? For starters, those who support gun reform (not control, not confiscation, not doing away with the 2nd Amendment) need to call 'guns everywhere' fanatics out on their efforts, to call it what it is - 'Gun Control of a Different Kind'.

It would certainly be a start.

My two cents.

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